Wednesday 25 October 2017

Keeping My head Warm {Mindfullness}

I was thinking about this post and it is funny how I had these pictures and as I began to write a post in my head for them it very quickly turned from something fashion orientated to something a lot more mindful. 
It's no strange thing that we naturally begin to layer up on clothes as the season changes. Autumn is well and truly here and even though we are having it a bit warmer than usual the reality is we are all looking after ourselves and layering up that but more. It's easy to do when outwardly we see a change. Darker mornings, grey skies, recent winds that have sent us all grabbing coats and scarfs as we head out. Often now, and in the near future, we will also be grabbing gloves to keep our hands warm and hats to do the same. We are so conscious of an action which has amazing consequences. These things keep us warm, and not just practically. We use hats to comfort us, and protect our heads from the sharp wind and the visits from Jack Frost. "Don't forget your hat" is a phrase we have all heard and probably all said. A hat is deemed the key item in keeping the rest of you warm to. Heat escapes from the head after all and all that trying to keep yourself cosy is wasted as it just drifts of if you fail to protect it and keep it by wearing a hat.
But we actually choose to protect our heads when cold weather comes along, but in life it is the one extremity that we totally avoided protecting. Our head is the most vulnerable part of us, and that's not just in its organ form; the interior, our mind is so unprotected and we don't do anything at all to prevent it getting hurt. OK maybe we are conscious of it but I bet days, weeks, months, even years go by when you don't recognise your mental health and how you can try to protect it. I know I do. Not like I used to, I never recognised it as mental health before, I just thought it was normal. Normal to be this disillusioned with myself, to be this sad but I now recognise that this is not how it should be. My head needs so much more protection and maybe understanding that by just simply putting a 'hat' on. Yes, that sure helps, but my interiors need to be comforted in a different way. My soul needs that blanket that only my good and positive thoughts can produce. Then those thoughts themselves can wrap me up and keep me cosy. That's what I need. I need my mind to be kept warm by goodness and positive thinking and pulling on a hat now represents that. 
As I have been writing this I have been also thinking about how funny it is that when I am feeling really 'bleurgh' I tend to wear a hat, like all day, and that in itself is a wonderful comfort. But for now, each time I have want to warm up internally I need to remember that I must keep clothing myself with the right things, the right bits of clothing and the ones that will bring me the most comfort. 

{If you are interested in the fashion side: Scarf / Shoes / Jeans / Coat {Old} / Hat {Old}/ Bag Primark }


1 comment

  1. What a lovely, thought-provoking post. You're absolutely right and it is something I think we neglect even more when we become mothers and concern ourselves (quite rightly!) with taking care of our children and ensuring their happiness and well-being. The thing is, we often tend to forget about ourselves, don't we? Run on empty whilst still firing on all cylinders.

    This was such a good reminder to take care of ourselves. Thank you for sharing!

    Carly xo


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