Friday 14 November 2014

Our Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time when Americans celebrate their wealthy harvest. It comes in late autumn as a time when crops have been gathered. They look in anticipation to the next year and hope for many good harvests to come. Historically, thanksgiving has been a celebration of the blessings of the agricultural year. This is a huge period of celebration and America and Canada pretty much stop to celebrate this family holiday.
Last year Rob and I decided that we were going to introduce it into our family and start our own traditional dinner that allows us to celebrate as a family.
We had about 18 people and extended our dining table with our picnic table and I think two others. We served curry with trimmings and had a variety of pies for pudding, including pumpkin pie! It was a great first meal to start and was lovely having both families there to celebrate.
We shared our meal together and then went round the table sharing what we were thankful for. It's a nice gesture to openly recognise wonderful parts of your life. It was really special and made us want to continue the tradition.
This year will be different, we have new members of the family and now some of my siblings live too far away to make it back for one night. But we will celebrate and over the years people can dip in and out as they please.
Thanksgiving always falls on the fourth Thursday of November. This year it's the 27th.

Post by Emily
Picture sourced from Pintrest

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