Saturday 8 November 2014

Finding Time To Get Ready

Finding Time To Get Ready

I wish this statement was true. To be able to roll out of bed and look good would be a dream for a lot of women. I am lucky. I have never been into loads of make up and hair styling. I was more into it in younger years but with two children I manage my getting ready time differently. As I love clothes I would rather spend a bit longer coming up with an outfit rather than putting on lots of make-up. Don't get me wrong, I wear enough but I try to not take too long on it. My hair is quite easy too, usually a quick straighten and a ruffle sorts it out.

I thought I would share some tips on how to get ready when you have young children;

  • Give them opportunities for imaginative play; whether that's playing dens under the covers or taking some small toys into your room that they can play with. 
  • Get them to help you sort things e.g. putting hair clips in a pot or socks in a basket, this kind of thing can distract a child for ages.
  • Raph is into laying my costume jewellery on the floor in 'pictures', this keeps him distracted for ages.
  • Try to think about what you are wearing the night before. I usually have an idea so it is just a case of tweaking due to weather conditions.
  • If you are in the bathroom; get the kids to brush their teeth. Etta, who is one, loves to just chomp on her toothbrush and does so for the duration of me putting my makeup on.
  •  Use bath toys out of the bath; If I am in the shower and the kids are in the bathroom with me I shut the door and put their bath toys on the floor, they are quite happy playing with them giving me chance to have a quick shower.
  • Encourage young grooming; young children usually want to get their hands in mummies' make up so why not make them a little basket with a comb, some moisturiser and some lip balm in so that they can have their own face products.
  • For babies have a jungle gym or play mat that you can just move around the house so you can have it in your room or bathroom or wherever!

I think the child entertaining themself is key. If you can teach them to do that and use some of the above tips, you should find a block of time where you can make yourself feel normal!

* In case you were wondering my super statement jumper is from Rich & Reckless, Trousers are Primark and Shoes are Matalan.

Post by Emily

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